Fraud, Waste and Abuse

We encourage members to report any possible healthcare fraud, waste or abuse to the CHRISTUS Fraud Hotline by calling
(855) 771-8072, which is monitored by the Special Investigations Unit.

An Investigator will return the call, or an anonymous message can be left.


To protect your privacy, a standard practice is to avoid sharing any personal health information, unless you are seeking treatment at a familiar healthcare facility, or if Emergency Services personnel are treating you.

Personal Health Information should only be discussed in person or over the phone when a member is absolutely certain to be communicating with an authorized healthcare representative.

It’s possible a member may experience or observe an unusual incident involving a healthcare Provider, another member, an unknown person, or may receive an unexpected healthcare related phone call or email.

The incident may involve an offer for treatment, services, or a request for personal healthcare information, such as your health plan Member ID.  If a member receives a phone call, a standard practice is to ask to return the call, in order to validate the number is familiar, well-known, and published i.e. the telephone number printed on the Member ID card.

If an email is received, do not click on any links in an email received from an unknown sender.
The email can be forwarded to the Special Investigations at

Possible Fraud Should Be Reported if:

  • You experience an unusual healthcare incident
  • You receive an unexpected phone call, asking for your personal healthcare information
  • You receive a call, email, or letter asking for payment for a treatment or service not performed 
  • Someone asks you to pay for a new healthcare insurance card
  • Anyone asks to borrow or use your healthcare card
  • You are offered cash, goods, or services in exchange for unnecessary healthcare treatment

If you suspect your healthcare treatment does not seem normal, or standard, it is possible the practice does not meet compliance standards.

Please report any issue of possible non-compliance to a CHRISTUS representative, or email

Reporting Suspected Fraud

Please report suspected fraud, waste or abuse to CHRISTUS using one of the following methods:

Fraud Hotline: (855) 771-8072

Secure Fax: (210) 766-8849


Mail: CHRISTUS Health Plan
Special Investigations Unit
5101 N. O'Connor Blvd
Irving, TX 75039

Reporting Suspected Non-Compliance

Please report suspected healthcare non-compliance to CHRISTUS using one of the following methods:


Mail: CHRISTUS Health Plan
Compliance Department
5101 N. O'Connor Blvd
Irving, TX 75039

Phone: (469) 282-2000 (Ask the Concierge for the Special Investigations Unit)