US Family Health Plan

Our TRICARE option offers affordable rates, local associates, and shorter wait times for care!

At CHRISTUS Health, we understand and appreciate the sacrifices military members make on our behalf, which is why we take great pride in providing these individuals and their families with the health care coverage they’ve earned.

US Family Health Plan (USFHP) is an option for TRICARE Prime eligible active duty family members, military retirees and their families.

With six US Family Health Plans available across the country, members are able to transfer from one region to another without an interruption in benefits.

This plan is Department of Defense-approved, so whether you’re stationed at home or away, you can trust that CHRISTUS has your family’s health covered.


CHRISTUS Children's

Together, we're building a brighter, healthier future for kids

Accessible Pediatric Care for USFHP Families in San Antonio, TX.

Learn More

No changes to your pharmacy copays in 2025!

No changes to your pharmacy copays in 2025!

Copayments & Cost-Shares | TRICARE

Open Season for Enrollments

Open season begins November 11, 2024, and ends December 10, 2024. Open season occurs each fall, beginning on the Monday of the second full week of November to the Tuesday of the second full week in December.

Outside of open season, you may enroll if you qualify for a Qualifying Life Event (QLE).

Learn more about QLE

Eligibility and Coverage Areas

US Family Health Plan is offered by six Designated Providers in specific areas of the United States. CHRISTUS Health provides access to more than 2,000 doctors and hospitals – even premier children’s hospitals – in areas of Northeast Texas, Central Texas, Southeast Texas, South Texas and Louisiana.

Are You Eligible?

You must be a resident in the service areas of Northeast Texas, Central Texas, Southeast Texas, South Texas and Louisiana and qualify through military service:

  • Active duty family members
  • Retired service members and their families
  • Family members of activated National Guard/Reserve members
  • Non-activated National Guard/Reserve members and their families who qualify for care under the Transitional Assistance Management Program
  • Retired National Guard/Reserve members age 60 and over (receiving retired pay) and their families
  • Survivors
  • Medal of Honor recipients and their families
  • Qualified former spouses

If you’re still unsure what plan is right for you or if you’re eligible, contact us or call 1-469-282-0408.

We’re ready to help you get the health care you’ve earned!


Call 1-469-282-0408711 for TTY and a representative will be happy to assist you.

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. local time.

US Family Health Plan | TRICARE | CHRISTUS Health

TRICARE® is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved.