

CHRISTUS Networks is a high-performance provider network for employers and entities who are self-funding their insurance and designing their own benefit plan. CHRISTUS Networks will help employers save money on health care costs by providing a network with significant discounts, coordinated care and a focus on quality outcomes.

Who Should Enroll in CHRISTUS Networks?

We only contract with providers and facilities that meet CHRISTUS Health’s standard of excellence, and that works with us on value-based care initiatives to improve outcomes. CHRISTUS Networks can partner with any Third-Party Administrator to utilize our network contracts in your health plan, as long as that TPA agrees to meet our requirements on ID cards, claim submission, and benefits.

CHRISTUS Networks aims for high utilization of in-network providers as well as utilizing the correct avenues of care through direct customer service to your members and optional wellness services.

Is CHRISTUS Networks Right for you?

Across Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico, CN has CHRISTUS hospitals, providers, and ancillary facilities with a proven track record of serving their communities.

  • Does the majority of your workforce live in an area with a CHRISTUS footprint?
  • Do your employees need help utilizing the healthcare resources provided to them while also reducing unnecessary expenditures?
  • Are you looking to improve your employee’s healthcare outcomes and work towards a healthier workforce?
  • CHRISTUS Networks may be a good option for you.

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Reasons to Purchase Group Coverage

  • Better Employee Recruitment and Retention
  • Manageable Costs and Financial Security
  • Better Access to Care
  • Network You Trust