Member Resources
Access Your CHRISTUS Health Plan Member Benefits
CHRISTUS Health Plan members looking for specific resources included with the health plan they've selected can find everything they need to know right here. From accessing forms and documents to getting your questions answered via our FAQ section, CHRISTUS Health Plan ensures you are completely covered.
Member Portal - Create an Account
Registration is quick and easy! Just fill out a few essentials, like your name and Member Number, found on your Member ID card. You’ll be able to set up a password and security questions to help keep your information secure, and you’re ready to go.
New CHRISTUS Health Plan members can register for an account on our Member Portal at least one business day after their enrollment is confirmed.

Learn How to Create an Account
Member Portal LoginMember Portal FAQs
Individual and Family Plan Members can pay their monthly premiums by clicking on “Make a Payment” from their portal homepage.
Under the My Health tab in your portal, you’ll have one-click access to your additional benefits, including your pharmacy and dental benefits. More additional benefits will be added with one-click access in the future.
USFHP beneficiaries will need to re-register their MaxorPlus accounts the first time they use it to enable the one-click connection.
If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgot Password” on the login screen to be directed to reset your password.
If you’d like to change your password after logging in, go to My Preferences and select My Profile from the dropdown menu. Click “Change Password” to select a new password and security questions.
From your portal home page, click “View My ID Card” in the bottom center of the page. Select which member’s ID card you’d like to view and click “Print / View Id Card”. A printable PDF version of your ID card will download automatically for you to view and or print, if you wish.
You can request a new card by opening the My Heath Plan dropdown menu and selecting “ID Card Request”. Select which member’s card you’d like to request and click Submit. The new card will be mailed out to you within 7-10 business days. You can also access the printable version options from this page by clicking “Print” in the upper right corner.
Selecting a new Primary Care Provider in your portal is easy! Under the My Health Plan dropdown menu, select “Change PCP”. Type in the office information for your chosen provider and click submit at the bottom of the page.
For your convenience, at the top of the Change PCP page is a link to our Provider Directory. You can find the right provider for you and input their information in your portal.
Your PCP change will be processed within the next three business days. Your online ID card will be updated for you at that time, and a new ID card will be mailed out to you within 7-10 business days.
If you are currently a CHRISTUS Health Plan member with dependents/family members on your plan, you can switch back and forth between family members’ profiles by using the My Family dropdown on the upper left of your portal page.
If you are not a current CHRISTUS Health Plan member, please call Member Services to determine if you are an authorized representative. Responsible parties listed in our system can click on Authorized Representative on the login page to create their own account.
Once the account for the responsible party is created, you’ll be directed to the “New Authorized Representative Association” page, where you’ll provide the date of birth and ID number of the member.
You’ll then be able to access the member’s information under the My Family tab.
You can specify what other family members have access to on each profile by using the Permissions option under My Preferences. Select “Modify” under Primary Subscriber, Spouse, or Dependents to adjust permissions for each group. Functional areas, such as visit summaries, and protected data classes, such as mental health, can be granted or revoked.
Consent can also be modified to allow or remove access to your account. From My Preferences, select Permissions. On the Consent tab, click “Modify Consent” and change your consent status. Click Save to update.
Care Management
Care Management
The Care Management program coordinates and oversees the care of members with complex or chronic conditions, as well as those with acute, episodic, or short-term needs.
FAQs, Glossary and More
Help Guide
Need help understanding your insurance? Find answers to your questions in our help guide with frequently asked questions, a glossary with common terms, and more.
Contact a Member Service Representative
Individual and Family Plans
Medicare Advantage
US Family Health Plan
Member Experience Survey Results
Learn more about our health plan by viewing our latest Member Experience Survey Results.