Prevention and Care
Tools and Information (MyCHRISTUS)
The power of prevention and care are two of our greatest defenses against disease and illness, which is why CHRISTUS Health Plan takes pride in providing you with the proper tools and information you need to put your health first. Whether that’s making sure exercise is a priority for at least 30 minutes out of your day, cutting out unhealthy habits such as smoking, or staying on top of your annual wellness examinations — choosing to take care of yourself right now rather than later is a decision that can reward you for a lifetime.
We provide a wide range of self-management tools you can utilize to help determine risk factors, provide guidance on health issues, recommend ways to improve health, support reducing risk or maintaining low risk. Each of these interactive resources allow you as a member to enter specific personal information and provide immediate, individual results based on the information. CHRISTUS Health Plan has made each of these tools readily available for use at your convenience.
Health Risk Assessment (Member Portal)
We are glad to have you as a member of our health plan and value your participation with us. In partnership with your primary care physician, we want to help you stay as healthy as possible. One way we do this is by asking you some questions about your health and lifestyle. We hope you will help us determine how we can best serve you by answering the questions in the health risk assessment located in your Member Portal. Please log in below and click "Health Risk Assessment" under the "My Health" tab.