American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

President Biden recently signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law.  Starting April 1st, 2021, you will become eligible to receive increased tax credits to reduce your current plan premiums.   

NOTE: You must reselect your current plan for the changes to take effect. You may also consider changing to a new plan for the rest of 2021. If you are considering a plan change, please factor how much you’ve already paid toward your deductible before doing so to confirm if a plan change would best benefit you. Whether you choose to reselect your current plan or make a change, you will need to visit to update your application and indicate an enrollment date beginning April 1st.  

To learn more information on the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, you can read these helpful fact sheets:

The American Rescue Plan: Reduces Health Care Costs, Expands Access to Insurance Coverage and Addresses Health Care Disparities

American Rescue Plan and the Marketplace