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Important Numbers for Members

Current members can switch primary care providers or order a replacement ID card by calling:

Individuals & Families: 1-833-360-1341
Medicare Advantage: 1-855-782-9910
US Family Health Plan: 1-866-387-2606
Member Services Email: CHRISTUS.HP.MemberService.Inquiry@christushealth.org

Member Services Fax: 469-282-2013
If you’re hard of hearing, you can call: 711

For medical questions, call a registered nurse any time, day or night:

Health Insurance Exchange Plans: 1-844-581-3175
Medicare Advantage: 1-844-581-3174
US Family Health Plan: 1-800-455-9355

Important Contact Information for Providers

Phone: 1-844-282-3100
Email: CHP.networkdevelopment@christushealth.org
Fax: 469-282-3012